For companies that want to develop new products that are not yet in the market.

Our goal

Our goal is to work with our customers to find and develop new fabrics with innovative features and characteristics that can be marketed.

More details about Texber Lab

Texber Lab is Texber’s experimental section. It has been developed in response to our customers’ need for innovation.Some customers ask us to help develop new fabrics: they come up with the idea and we make it a reality.

In addition to the knowledge and know-how we have built up with more than thirty years’ experience, since 2014 we have had a collaboration agreement with Innotex Center, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia’s textile technology centre. This gives us access to their extensive knowledge, laboratories and prototype production facilities.

This enables us to research and develop innovative and creative solutions for the most demanding customers. Our customers’ success is our success too: together we create a new product.

How does Texber Lab work?

Our experience in developing different kinds of fabrics has allowed Texber to offer its customers an innovation service. This is implemented by Texber Lab in three development stages:

Stage one

The customer’s needs are analysed and the specifications of the textile solution to be developed are determined.

Stage two

Research and experimentation are carried out with materials to identify the best textile solution to put into practice.

Stage three

The fabric is developed and tested and trials are carried out to measure the various response parameters.

Projects developed at Texber Lab

Our customers have given us approval to publish the following three examples of products developed at Texber Lab.

Odourless clothing

Our customer’s idea was to produce a fabric that did not smell bad, even after being worn all throughout the working day.

We had to develop a work-grade fabric with a standard weight that had antibacterial properties that would not be lost even after many washes, as it is particular bacteria that cause bad odour.

With the help of Innotex Center we analysed the characteristics of all fibres with antibacterial properties in the market, both artificial and natural. We then decided which one best met the customer’s needs.

Based on this research, we presented our customer with an implementation proposal and followed the instructions they gave us.

Dirt repellent clothing

Our customer’s idea was to produce a fabric that dirt would not stick to.

We had to develop a work-grade fabric with a standard weight that would not lose its properties even after many washes, which was antistatic and comfortable too. Static electricity in clothing causes dust, fibres and other objects to stick to clothes and therefore make them dirty. So we were looking for fibres that did not discharge static electricity. The clothes had to be comfortable as there were other fibres in the market that dirt did not stick to, but they did not feel good and were uncomfortable to wear.

With the help of Innotex Center we analysed the characteristics of all fibres with antistatic properties in the market, both artificial and natural. We then decided on a blend of fibres that best met the customer’s needs.

Once we had completed these processes, we reported the results to our customer and agreed to produce the fabric.

Vandal-resistant fabric

The aim of this project was to create a fabric for outdoor use that would protect the objects it covered.

After several iterations, we decided with the customer that what we needed to develop was a technical fabric that was difficult to cut but reasonably priced.

With the help of Innotex Center we analysed the characteristics of all cut-resistant fibres in the market and decided which one best met the customer’s needs in terms of cost and performance.

Since the product was approved, the customer has placed ongoing orders to meet its needs.

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