News channel

So you can keep up with our new products and what is going on at Texber.

Fabrics with fancy beam

Fabrics with fancy beam

Since last November, we have been weaving fabrics that need a fancy beam. It's been some years since we started weaving fabrics with small auxiliary beams, but up until now, we haven't had the chance to use this equipment. The fabric we are weaving is double woven....

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our website. This is the first entry, where we invite you to visit the different sections.We wish that find them attractive, practical and above all functional. Remember that if you have any questions you can contact us via the contact form.

Texber té nova imatge

Texber té nova imatge

Us volem presentar la nova imatge de Texber, "teixint des de 1983". Hem creat una nova identitat potent i actual que s'adecua a la perfecció amb la filosofia de l'empresa. Tant els colors corporatius com les línies fluides del propi imagotip ens apropen al mon tèxtil...

New management software

New management software

We are very happy to communicate to us the implementation of a new ERP software. With this software further improves our integrated document management tasks in one place that we had scattered in various softwares.

Purchase of new machinery

Purchase of new machinery

We are very excited to announce the purchase of these two Picanol weaving 220 cm wide, equipped with 8 frames and clamps free flight.

Association Mesab

Association Mesab

We are very excited to announce that these are the founding members of the Association of Textile Mesaba. The association was founded with the aim of promoting the competitiveness of member companies.