We are very happy to announce that, from July the 1st, 100% of our electrical energy consumption comes from renewable sources. We know that we are only a drop of water in the global electricity consumption ocean, but we strive to be more sustainable and help, within...
Canal de Notícies
Descubreix les novetats del món tèxtil. Per poder seguir tots els esdeveniments que pasen al nostre voltant.
These last weeks we improved our internet presence with a new blog about weaving and fabrics in our LinkedIn page. We have chosen this social network because we recon it is the most adequate for this kind of technical posts. We...
3-D Fabrics
Due to the increasing interest we are seeing in double fabrics we have decided to go one step further: 3-D fabrics. One can weave some of the 3-D fabrics with a regular loom, not all of them. Usually these fabrics are known as...
AEI Tèxtils
During the first semester of 2019 we became members of the AEI Textils association. AEI Textils is an association of Catalan companies and institutions that are involved in technical textiles: machine manufacturers, spinning mills, weaving mills, fabric finishers,...
Inspection machine
During Christmas holidays we have installed a new fabric inspection machine. With the final goal of giving a better service to our customers, we have bought a new fabric inspection machine, that, with less room, will improve the winding of rolls. We would like to wish...
Textile design software
New weaving and fabric design software
New Picanol Optimax-I loom
In our pursuit of flexibility and versatility we have bought a new Picanol Optimax-I loom.
Texber Lab: Banana fabric
We would like to share with you one particular development we did in our Texber - Lab division. We created and wove a fabric made of banana tree fibre. The "Cabildo de Canárias", the local government, following the circular economy philosophy is developing a fabric to...
Fabrics with fancy beam
Since last November, we have been weaving fabrics that need a fancy beam. It's been some years since we started weaving fabrics with small auxiliary beams, but up until now, we haven't had the chance to use this equipment. The fabric we are weaving is double woven....
Welcome to our new website
Welcome to our website. This is the first entry, where we invite you to visit the different sections.We wish that find them attractive, practical and above all functional. Remember that if you have any questions you can contact us via the contact form.
Texber té nova imatge
Us volem presentar la nova imatge de Texber, "teixint des de 1983". Hem creat una nova identitat potent i actual que s'adecua a la perfecció amb la filosofia de l'empresa. Tant els colors corporatius com les línies fluides del propi imagotip ens apropen al mon tèxtil...
New management software
We are very happy to communicate to us the implementation of a new ERP software. With this software further improves our integrated document management tasks in one place that we had scattered in various softwares.
Purchase of new machinery
We are very excited to announce the purchase of these two Picanol weaving 220 cm wide, equipped with 8 frames and clamps free flight.
Association Mesab
We are very excited to announce that these are the founding members of the Association of Textile Mesaba. The association was founded with the aim of promoting the competitiveness of member companies.